Sunday, January 23, 2011

Qs I want to ask myself

I got this suggestion from O Magazine..... Every day we ask questions to our self... Am I wearing my seat belt right now? What should I eat today? Did I turn off the oven? Lot of these questions are crucial for life. What about questions we ask for our soul? Were here are mine I ask my self!

1. Why do I not get motivated to hit the gym?
2. Why do I like chips over sweets?
3. Why do I have to finish a whole bag of chips? Why can't I eat with proportions for the day?
4. Why do I not let go of the relationship problems in my life? Why do they always come back to haunt me?
5. Why is it so easy for me to be a vegetarian but not be a healthy eater?
6. Why am I here? What am I meant to do in this life?
7. Where am i wrong?
8. What memories am I bartering and is the profit worth the price?
9. Why am I lazy?
10. Why do I thinks thoughts that hurt and not heal, when I know I should
11. Why is it that I am so successful in most aspects of my life but lack in some, mainly certain relationships (why the hell do I care) and my weight?
12. Am I stagnated in my life right now? Should I be kicking something now? Why am I not motivated to do so?
13. Will I be a good mom? When ever that may be...

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Mahi is Done with One

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