Here are the 101 reasons why you are the best...
1. I am your daughter and I know it
2. You are kind
3. You are wonderful
4. You are an inspiration
5. I admire you
6. You are a great son
7. You have dreams
8. You believe in the best of me
9. You are individualistic
10. You are sensitive
11. You want whats best for me
12. You compromise
13. You are Unique
14. You are a good husband
15. You believe in God
16. You are heroic
17. You live in US for us
18. You are unique
19. You are caring
20. You work
21. You are my hero
22. You are my mother's hero
23. You shine like a star
23. I love you
24. You are gentle
25. You are a gentlemen
26. You are a good friend
27. You are a great brother
28. You are there for me
29. You don't drink
30. You don't smoke
31. You don't party
32. You don't do drugs
33. You listen to me (well sometimes)
34. Its fun to talk to you
35. You give me foot massages, even if you are tired
36. You have a good sense of fashion
37. You have a good sense of humor
38. You are cool.
39. I love the way you say 'What's up Man'
40. You are handsome
41. You shave
42. You wear cool cloths
43. You yell at me when I am wrong
44. You yell at me when I am selfish
45. You are a good influence.
46. You are respectable
47. You are respected
48. Cause mommy says so
49. Because I am taking time to write this
50. I already have 50 down for you
51. You have Indian Culture
52. You love India and America and Canada
53. You sing sweet
54. I love when you sing in the car
55. You are a good father in law
56. You are a good dancer (love to see you dance with shashank)
57. You are a bad actor
58. You did 2 movies (my movie star)
59. You always spend money on me
60. You trust me
61. You rock
62. You love farming
63. You are down to earth
64. Mom is head over heals for you
65. You love me
66. You love mom
67. You love Vamsi
68. You love Shashank
69. You love everyone I love
70. You want to be there for us
71. You are a perfectionist
72. You show your tears
73. You have a wonderful heart
74. You made a good person out of me
75. You have a great smile
76. You have a handsome laugh
77. You wear glasses
78. You say 'no' sometimes
79. You are almost right about everything and everyone
80. You are not perfect
81. You have flaws
82. You are an Idle
83. I admire you
84. You have stories to tell. (Love your bed time stories)
85. You listen to good music
86. You listen to mom
87. You put up with mine and vamsi's crap
88. You put up with mom's crap (don't tell her I said this)
89. You love and respect my mother (a best thing a father can do)
90. You carried the burdens for us
91. You change for us in a good way
92. You are loved by people around you
93. We have a lot in common
94. Vamsi is your son
95. You have a good, pleasant personality
96. I think you are
97. For Scale 1 to 10, 1 being worst and 10 being the best, I give you 8
98. No one can have 9 or 10, that's not a perfect dad's definition. Dad's got to have flaws
99. You are simply the best
100. See I already have 100 reasons, need I say more
101. Cause I said so...
Love you Daddy, Your little girl ( Amma Dhayi)